Nature is medicine.

Why Tallow?

We have been using a therapeutic grade tallow in our family for 3-4 years. It has been one of those “try-all, heal-all, can’t hurt to try” products that we found to be super effective or assisted in healing in almost everything we used it for. It’s simply one of the many staples in our myriads of natural approaches to healing and/or wellness. I think we all know by now, that what you put on the skin is absorbed within seconds and into underlying tissues and blood supply. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing if what you apply has an array of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Your skin is one extra route you can use to give your body what it needs! It’s too good not to share. I use it as my moisturizer in my skincare routine and for a body balm daily. I use it for any issues skin-related on my kids and yes, even my animals. It’s safe for all ages and even safe if ingested or used on mucosal membranes.

My prayer is that tallow will be one avenue to bring confidence to your family in healing naturally.

Meet Angelynne

Hey! I’m Angelynne and I’m the owner and face of WHW! I am a lover of Jesus, a wife and a mother to three daughters. Those that I just mentioned, come before all else in life. Besides that, my next love is wellness! I can’t get enough of learning about the body, nature’s power to heal and how we can connect it all for our benefit to obtain optimal health. Helping others has always been a passion of mine.

I started straight out of high school into college and finished with my RN degree. My first job as a nurse was in the ER and then I traveled for many years. I dabbled a few years in nursing informatics after ER burnout. I have always loved that being a nurse meant I had the ability to work in many different areas. Long story short, once I got married, I decided to be at stay-at-home mom. I have owned a boutique fitness studio during this time and that journey really led me to understanding the mind-body connection and looking at wellness from a holistic approach. None of which I learned in nursing school or working as a nurse. As time passed and 2020 decided to rudely and aggressively interrupt life, I really woke up to what it meant to care for your body and understand its ability to heal itself. I had some things in mind intuitively and I wanted to know more and be more informed on health and wellness and understand how God created our bodies and nature to help us heal and be well. But my health was suffering. I had a hard time losing the “baby weight”, I was overwhelmed with a lack of sleep, at home with a baby, toddler and one in school (that I pulled and started homeschooling), the insane stress and tyranny the world was throwing at us, and I felt sick two whole weeks during my cycles each month. I sought out help at the OB/GYN and, shocker! they prescribed me birth control and my labs were “all fine” and just experiencing post-partum anxiety. Do what!?

No. Absolutely not. No thanks. I’ll figure this out on my own……………

Sound familiar???

Anyways, through much prayer and a decision to get myself in shape and healthy again, I started 75 hard (look it up) and completed it! It was transformational for me in every way. During that time, I had many walks and lots of time for prayer and self-reflection as I strived for self-improvement. During this time of reflection, I knew that something big was about to happen. One God-thing led to another, and I found myself enrolled at IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and graduated with my Holistic Coaching degree in 2022. Since 2022, I have truly evolved in the personal development space through daily healthy habits losing over 40 lbs and balancing not only my hormones, but regulating my nervous system and finding true joy in the journey. I will share later more on the transformation and all of the God things that happened along the way. And here I am! I have so much to share and have been saving it for the right time, for the right people, in the right space.

Thank you for joining me here. Hang tight because this will be an ever evolving space as we as humas should always be improving and taking chances. Your journey has already begun just by reading this.

“Cultivating confidence in healing holistically.”